Varicose veins of the pelvis: the symptoms, causes and treatment

If people were more active lifestyle, more moved, the pathology of such a plan have been from time to time. Office work, driving in public transport has meant that people have to be to solve more and more different problems that are related to health. Among the various pathologies it may be noted varicose veins of the pelvis. It is a pathology, which has significantly reduced the overall vein elasticity.

varicose veins of the pelvis

The disease is more characteristic for women, who have already reached reproductive age group. The cause of the pathology is the opposite of throw the blood composition, which is caused by an increased uterus. Such a phenomenon very often an escalation of the change process, the general hormonal background, the transformation of the body, for example during pregnancy.

Publish varicose veins ven pelvis little pain, if a woman has long worth. Mild discomfort may occur, when they start having sex, if a large load. More than a working form of the disease can cover the area of the perineum, both buttocks and even vulva.

The cause and potential threat

The reasons for the emergence of such a pathology, such as varicose veins widening of the pelvis, can be attributed to the characteristics of the ratio of the amount of hormones women. Nearby points of interest also reasons that lead to education-pathology, you can choose:

  1. Hormonal means;
  2. The use of hormonal contraception;
  3. The abundance of interrupted sexual intercourse, as a protection against unwanted pregnancy;
  4. Lack of orgasm;
  5. A lot of the scope following from the birth;
  6. Work sitting or a serious load on the organism of the physical plan;
  7. Different congenital problems, such as weakness of the varicose veins, their walls.

Important! Varicose veins in a small bowl quite often indicate you are pregnant. The disease develops in 30% of cases. Worth possible care treat your overall health.

Group risk may be due to patients who are predisposed to persistent inflammatory processes in the pelvis. Often the disease develops after or in the midst of such diseases as tumor, cysts, or endometriosis. If women submit to the high concentration of the substance estrogen, also belongs to the risk groups.

Symptoms and signs

Varicose veins non-varicose veins in the pelvis characterized by symptoms, like pain, a different level of intensity, it all depends on health. Quite often a patient is faced with a sharp unpleasant premenstrual syndrome. Many people say the sensitivity of the whole of the inside of the leg , there is a strong flow, as well as violation of the menstrual period.

May be submitted in violation of the process of urination and a small feeling of heaviness in the pelvis, especially if the patient is for a long time without changing position.

For each patient is specific to your individual symptoms. They may participate in all at once or part of them, as well as the different may be the extent of their severity. Saying in other words, the varicose veins of the pelvis, is manifested in different ways.

The characteristics of the classification of the pathology

Before treating this kind of pathology, such as varicose veins of the pelvis in women, the specialist determines the degree of varicose veins of the pelvis.

At this time, distinguishes between three main degree of the pathology, which is a different width to the diameter of the damaged veins is also the value of the overall localization of the main disorders.

So the distinction between the three categories and the extent of the expansion:

  • First degree – indicators of a diameter equal to 5 mm, and, of course, is the blood looks reminiscent of a corkscrew.
  • The second degree – a vein can range from 6-10 mm in diameter, there may be certain ectasia special plexus of the ovaries.
  • The third degree. Here the vein diameter is 10 mm and the localization can be parameters and backbone.

Direct depending on the state of development of the pathology, the choice of the certain methods competent treatment. It may be a simple lifestyle change or surgical intervention. If the first two stages of full recovery after out study material to the ordinary conservative treatment. The doctors in this case provides anti-inflammatory, diet, and special exercises.

If the development of the disease up to the third degree of the specialist, often turning to modern surgical treatment methods. It may be a ligation, as well as embolization of large varicose veins.

How is defined the pathology

Rely solely on the patient's complaints the doctor is not allowed, as the symptoms very similar to many diseases gynecologic character.

In order to diagnosis and the extent of its development occur in the following events:

causes of varicose veins
  • The study of all pelvic.
  • Doppler, all blood vessels, in order to detect damage.
  • Laparoscopy with probable ligation ven ovaries.
  • Professional ultrasonic study. Carried out through the abdominal wall and also the side of the vagina.
  • Scan or phlebography.
  • Can be made by computed tomography, than is necessary for diagnosis clarification.
  • Uterine phlebography, it is a professional penetrative method of diagnostics.

Such methods allow to determine the diagnosis, excluding other diseases. Carrying out the exact diagnosis allows to effectively prevent the wrong treatment.

The process to implement the measures related to disability disposal, it is worth to remember that the presence of varicose veins in a small bowl may be the reason for the predisposition of these processes, the varicose veins throughout the body. According to the head of the fully adjusted daily schedules and lifestyle. In addition, surgical methods should be used in extreme cases. If it is installed in the varicose veins of the pelvis, the common treatment literate and carefully thought out should be.

General treatment

Taking into account the characteristics of such diseases as varicose veins of the pelvis, boils treatment, in order to achieve certain results. Important is the normal way to overall tone the veins, must avoid all stagnant phenomenon in blood vessels, in order to effectively prevent any possible recurrence.

According to the data, goals and objectives have been developed a number of certain activities, the purpose of which is to eliminate this ailment.

The main treatment manipulation may be noted:

  1. Diet.
  2. Flexible.
  3. Medications.
  4. Set sock packing laundry.
  5. The use of ointments from varicose veins the veins, and special tools.

All species are assigned to activities that are related to the treatment, shall be selected strictly individually. Each of the schemes takes its a certain category, which are described in more detail.

Conservative treatment

If the description of the conservative treatment of varicose veins and blood vessels of the pelvis, it may be noted that can it completely eliminate the symptoms of the pathology. Mandatorily be made a special guarantee the daily life of the sick. This is necessary in order to create a balance between rest and activity. Develop a proper diet, using special loads.

Specialists recommend strongly to check the time that the patient is in an upright position. As annex can be assigned to such effective medications.

Food and nutrition

Compulsorily doctor reviewed the patient's meals. Designing a power supply is left out of such products, which have a large number of fat. Also does not include beverages that contain alcohol. Preferred products, which have a large number of dietary fiber, beneficial fats. It is vegetables, cereals, fruits, fish and vegetable oils.

Sharp and salty foods during treatment fully excluded. At the same time, are these worth it to completely give up nicotine. This is especially important if there are varicose veins in the pelvis in men to find.

Useful exercises

proper diet

If you discover the varicose veins the doctor determines the use of when the veins in the pelvis. The most common gymnastic exercises of the eye such popular complexes, such as bicycle -, vertical-birch, scissors.

In all similar exercises held in the active development of the feet, with without the risk of lumbar department. Body position, where they work, lead the tide in the blood, which automatically lead to stagnation.

Surgical manipulations

Procedure – this is a fairly extreme event. Used in this case, if the negligence of the disease, as well as a certain genetic predisposition. The main varieties of surgical intervention can be attributed to the – ligation in the veins, may be performed in a special procedure.

If necessary, carry out the surgical intervention, the procedure of selection shall be performed strictly separate. All depends directly on the damage, sometimes internal varicose veins there is external.

Traditional methods

During the treatment the varicose veins of the pelvis are held in different procedures is taken from the special extracts, which is capable of effectively toning the vein. Professionals often prescribe a tincture is a chestnut horse, chaga and who to dandelion root. Useful turned out to be the treatment of leeches, if the coccyx and the sacrum on the top of the lid.

Important! Treatment of the most popular methods of treatment can never be replaced by a better thought-out treatment. Recipes can only be used for additional procedures. It is also important to get the initial specialist consultation.

Relapse prevention methods

The most effective is the prophylactic measures, the defenders from the varicose veins, is a healthy food that is recommended to follow and after a full recovery. The main rules of prevention can be noted:

  • The proper distribution of the loads, then there is a normalization of employment conditions;
  • The compiled measured day to the full, in order to reduce stressful situations;
  • As a precaution drink, of course, certain tools and repeated every 2 to 4 month period.

If a competent outsourcer can expect to absolutely get rid of such disease as varicose veins of the pelvis ven women. It should be recognized certain signs. It is a long time for reduction, is a significant improvement, but the lifestyle and appearance of the skin of the skin. If the correctly on the treatment the patient is to fully restore the hormonal processes.


A well thought-out and executed treatment of acute and chronic varicose veins can have a positive impact on the physical, but also the general psycho-emotional condition. The lack of thoughtful treatment leads to certain complications - dysfunctional uterine bleeding, uterine infection, and next to the appendages, feeling the pain of different character and thrombosis of veins, which is a small bowl.

The symptoms of turn to the help of women, whose age ranges from 25 to 46 years. When the patients arrived in the menopause, the disease of the leak much more difficult, greatly increases the likelihood of complications. In the middle of the constant bleeding is the risk of suffering from a thrombosis, a serious inflammatory process.

In conclusion

The disease is due to the illiterate built a life and has a direct impact on the lives of. Timely and proper treatment it is possible to effectively suppress the disease, cure him completely. For this reason it is so important to pay attention to signs of pathology and timely manner to contact the authorities.

prevention of varicose veins

The forecast of the outcome of the pathology in the pelvic region directly depends on a large number of important moments – the degree of development, localization, complications, and comorbid diseases. If there is no bleeding, the forecast is a guaranteed bargain. Carefully follow the recommendations of the specialist more than 80% of patients will achieve a positive impact.